"Our faith supports each individual at Edwinstree to flourish and challenges us, to live life in all its fullness."

School Uniform

Children are expected to wear school uniform. In this we have always enjoyed strong parental support. We stress that whilst a degree of variation can be tolerated, the main criteria for any article of clothing or footwear remain as follows:

  1. A smart or recognisable uniform can only be achieved if all items are in the correct colours and of plain fabric. Multi-coloured, thick-woven and patterned or embroidered clothing is therefore to be discouraged.
  2. Uniform clothes should be FUNCTIONAL - in terms of their safety, durability and comfort - both for the wearer and for the sake of school buildings, grounds and furniture. Shoes should be black not 'fashion' shoes and should cover the foot to avoid hazardous substances damaging the foot - trainers are not acceptable. Boots may be worn in inclement weather and shoes brought in to change in to, boots must not be worn in school. No jewellery except a watch and only one set of stud earrings, no make-up or any nail products. Any pupil not wearing appropriate uniform will receive a letter to explain and clarify the incorrect clothing being worn.
  3. All items should be marked clearly with Name and Tutor Group of pupil. During PE/Games lessons watches will only be accepted into the valuables tray if they are named. Games/PE kit, sweaters, coats and ties are particularly vulnerable to loss. A tag sewn into the neck of coats means less chance of them falling off the peg and being lost or damaged. We will, of course, be understanding whenever an item of uniform is temporarily unavailable due to loss, cleaning etc. A letter of explanation is often helpful and avoids misunderstanding
  4. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic we have made our school uniform as affordable possible, students will not be expected to wear ties or the regular PE kit.  Please see the uniform list below - Thank you

Uniform September 2024