Why do we learn English?
Individual and unique:
We aim to engage and excite our learners in a variety of creative ways and allow them to see themselves as individual and unique. Through rich, challenging texts, that celebrate diversity, we allow students to see their own realities reflected, empathise with others, understand different points of view and have a more open-minded view of the world and the people in it, while deepening their understanding and imagination.
Through our use of texts, purposeful outcomes linked to the real world and collaborative and investigative approaches we nurture curiosity to inspire creativity and give pupils a voice to use and express themselves confidently in their writing and spoken language. We aim to ensure pupils feel empowered to display their wonderful through their reading, writing and spoken language.
“Those that love reading have everything within their reach.” - William Goodwin
English underpins everything and our curriculum aims to give each pupil the knowledge, skills and understanding to be successful both now and in later life. However, our overarching aim is greater than this: for every student to see themselves as a reader and flourish - reading for pleasure and purpose, with confidence and enthusiasm and a need to explore new worlds, new characters and new genres.
Pupils recognise the fullness of English; that it goes beyond the classroom – that it feeds into all subjects and in doing so, provides context, develops understanding and deepens intellect.