A plea for help and support during the mock SATs week and the actual SATs week.
Like all schools nationally, we have seen a significant growth in children with Special Educational Need. So much so that we are looking to support 36 children with extra time and/or reading support for their SATs exam.
Can you help us? We have relied on volunteers in the past who have been willing to give up a Monday to Thursday morning to come and sit in a room with our most vulnerable children and a member of staff, as the ratio of adults to children increases under these conditions for the exams.
We have 10 volunteers currently but are short another 10. We don’t have enough staff to cover this and keep the remainder of the school running. To bring in supply for the week at £250 a day each, would be a huge hit on an already over stretched budget.
Do you know of a family member?
Would you be willing/able to support? It requires a commitment from 8.45am to 11.30am from Monday to Thursday during the weeks of 3-6th February and 12th-15th May. Even if you are unable to commit to the full week, any help would be so gratefully received.
If you can find a family member, friend or you are willing/able to help please complete this link form. https://forms.office.com/e/h6zemsxbeJ