"Our faith supports each individual at Edwinstree to flourish and challenges us, to live life in all its fullness."

As we approach the season of Advent and head towards Christmas, we would like to share with you the music events that are coming up between now and the end of term. 

•    Friday 29th November - Lights of Love ceremony, Manor House, Buntingford. The school choir are leading the singing. All are welcome to come, sing some carols, and take part. 
•    Tuesday 3rd December – Year 5 Christingle at St Peter's. 
Year 5 students make their own Christingles during the day and then walk down to St Peter's for a short service with Reverend Kirsty Wainwright. If there are any Year 5 parents who wish to support the walk/service, please would you contact the school on admin@edwinstree.herts.sch.uk
•    Thursday 12th December – Year 7 and Year 8 Christmas Services at St Peter's. Timings to be confirmed but services between 10am and 12pm. 
•    Friday 13th December – Year 5 and Year 6 Christmas Services at St Peter's. Timings to be confirmed but services between 10am and 12pm. 
•    Thursday 18th December - Joint concert with Freman College. 6pm start, held at Edwinstree. All welcome!